D Ambrosi, L Deorsola, S Turzi and M Zoppello,
"The shape of the mitral annulus: a hypothesis of mechanical morphogenesis",
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Turzi, D Ambrosi and M Zoppello,
"Bifurcation analysis of pressure-induced detachment
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G Pozzi, D Ambrosi and S Pezzuto,
"Reconstruction of the local contractility of the cardiac muscle from deficient apparent kinematics",
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D Ambrosi, L Deorsola, S Turzi and M Zoppello,
"Elementary Mechanics of the Mitral Valve",
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 82(1), 75-94 (2022).
S Turzi, M Zoppello and D Ambrosi,
"Equilibrium of two rods in contact under pressure",
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 73(4):329-346 (2020)
D Ambrosi, M Ben Amar, CJ Cyron, A DeSimone, A Goriely, JD Humphrey and E Kuhl,
"Growth and remodelling of living tissues: perspectives, challenges and opportunities",
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (157), 20190233 (2019)
D Riccobelli, D Ambrosi
"Activation of a muscle as a mapping of stress–strain curves"
Extreme Mechanics Letters 28, 37-42 (2019)
G Pozzi, S Marchesi, G Scita, D Ambrosi and P Ciarletta,
"Mechano-biological model of glioblastoma cells in response to osmotic stress"
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A Agosti, C Cattaneo, C Giverso, D Ambrosi and P Ciarletta,
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A Agosti, D Ambrosi and S Turzi,
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D Ambrosi, S Pezzuto, D Riccobelli, T Stylianopoulos and P Ciarletta,
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D Ambrosi and A Zanzottera, "Mechanics and polarity
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D Ambrosi, V Pettinati and P Ciarletta, "Active stress
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R. Penta, D. Ambrosi and A. Quarteroni, "Multiscale homogenization
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S Pezzuto and D Ambrosi, "Active contraction of the cardiac ventricle
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S Pezzuto, D Ambrosi and A Quarteroni
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R. Penta, D. Ambrosi and R. Shipley, "Effective governing equations for
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D. Ambrosi and P. Ciarletta, "Plasticity in passive cell mechanics",
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G. Vitale, D. Ambrosi and L. Preziosi, "A numerical method for the inverse problem of cell traction in 3D",
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G. Vitale, D. Ambrosi and L. Preziosi, "Force Traction Microscopy:
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P. Ciarletta, D. Ambrosi and G.A. Maugin, "Mass transport in morphogenetic processes:
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