To be a TC Reviewer, please ensure to comply with the following mandatory (but not necessarily sufficient) minimum requirements:
- hold a PhD degree
- have previous certified top journal / top venue publication experience
- have a reachable website with professional resume and information
- be a fluent & clear writer in technical English
- have (created) and keep updated an accout here
Reviewers are invited to review a paper by the handling AE, based on their certified expertise, relevance and timeliness of previous reviews.
IEEE TC web pages report all news including Editorial Board & scope. Information on recent statistics are found in July’s 2016 Editorial.
The IEEE Transactions on Computers year-by-year Reviewers Lists are available in the Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL). Pointers are also available from this page (2002-2018).
Perspective Authors will find here all relevant information on TC manuscript submissions, and here on CS guidelines for Authors.

If you are an Author, please read the TC Guidelines and visit the CS Author Center. For inquiries related to IEEE TC please send an email (less than 150 words) to the new EiC, Dr. Ahmed Louri.
— NEWS —
December 2018
- On December 31, 2018 I have committed my 720th paper acceptance decision. 4832 decisions (accept, minor, major, reject, etc) have been committed during my 4 years of service, corresponding to an average of 3.32 decisions per day (vacation days included!).
- On December 31, 2018 my service as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers has came to its natural end. During the past 4 years, as you can read from the news in this page and my “Thank You” editorial (freely downloadable here) we have reached very important targets and started new initiatives. I am mostly grateful to all of you for your continued support and help with TC. The journal is in a very healthy state, with a good turnaround time and a reasonable accept-to-print queue. The quality has improved over the years and now the impact factor of TC has increased from 2.916 in 2017 to 3.052 in 2018. This is the first time that the impact factor of TC reaches a value larger than 3. Let me thank all the Editorial Board Members and especially the Colleagues who have served in 2018 as Topical Editors, Professors Ronald DeMara, Lieven Eeckout, Jean-Michel Muller and Patrick Schaumont. A very special mention goes to two Colleagues who have been working very closely to me in my four years service: Ms. Natalie Cicero, the TC Assistant, and Dr. Javier Bruguera, TC’s Associate Editor in Chief. I wish all the best to the incoming EiC, Dr. Ahmed Louri. For 2019 I have been appointed as interim EiC of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, but this is another story. Thank you!
- December featured paper, now available for free download until mid January 2019 from here, is “Contention-Aware Fair Scheduling for Asymmetric Single-ISA Multicore Systems,” by Adrian Garcia-Garcia, Juan Carlos Saez, and Manuel Prieto-Matias. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
August-September-October-November 2018
- The impact factor of TC has increased from 2.916 in 2017 to 3.052 in 2018. This is the first time that the impact factor of TC reaches a value larger than 3. Let me take this as an opportunity to thank all our contributing Authors, as well as TC Editorial Board and all our Reviewers.
- November featured paper, previously available for free download was “Constant-Time Discrete Gaussian Sampling,” by Angshuman Karmakar, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Oscar Reparaz, Frederik Vercauteren, and Ingrid Verbauwhede. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- October featured paper, previously available for free download was “Subpage-Aware Solid State Drive for Improving Lifetime and Performance,” by Mincheol Kang, Wonyoung Lee, and Soontae Kim. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- September featured paper, previously available for free download was “Cloudlets Activation Scheme for Scalable Mobile Edge Computing with Transmission Power Control and Virtual Machine Migration,” by Tiago Gama Rodrigues, Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Katsuhiro Temma. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
July 2018
- Professor Ahmed Louri (former AE of TC) has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers (term 2019-2021). Congratulations and Best Wishes!
- August featured paper, previously available for free download was “Advanced Compressor Tree Synthesis for FPGAs,” by Martin Kumm and Johannes Kappauf. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
April-May-June 2018
- The following Researchers have joint the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers:
- Dimitris Gizopoulos (IEEE Fellow)
- Thanos Stouraitis (IEEE Fellow)
- Tim Güneysu (IEEE Senior Member) and
- July featured paper, now available for free download until mid July 2018 from here, is "A Compositional Approach for Verifying Protocols Running on On-Chip Networks,“ by Freek Verbeek, Pooria M. Yaghini, Ashkan Eghbal, and Nader Bagherzadeh. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- June featured paper, previously available for free download was "Analytic Multi-Core Processor Model for 2 Fast Design-Space Exploration,” by Rik Jongerius, Andreea Anghel, Gero Dittmann, Giovanni Mariani, Erik Vermij, and Henk Corporaal. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- May featured paper, previously for free download was “On-Chip Communication Network for Efficient Training of Deep Convolutional Networks on Heterogeneous Manycore Systems,” by Wonje Choi, Karthi Duraisamy, Ryan Gary Kim, Janardhan Rao Doppa, Partha Pratim Pande, Diana Marculescu, and Radu Marculescu. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
February-March 2018
- April featured paper, previously available for free download was “Static Instruction Scheduling for High Performance on Limited Hardware,” by Kim-Anh Tran,Trevor E. Carlson, Konstantinos Koukos, Magnus Själander, Vasileios Spiliopoulos, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Alexandra Jimborean. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) now available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also now available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena now available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- March featured paper, previously available for free download was “Hybrid Obfuscation to Protect Against Disclosure Attacks on Embedded Microprocessors,” by Marc Fyrbiak, Simon Rokicki, Nicolai Bissantz, Russell Tessier, and Christof Paar. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) now available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu & Yinhe Han, and also now available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena now available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
January 2018
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start her term in January/February 2018:
- Darrel Long (IEEE Fellow)
- Yinhe Han (IEEE Senior Member)
- Fabrizio Lamberti (IEEE Senior Member) -TC web manager and AE-
- George Constantidines (IEEE Senior Member)
- February featured paper, previously available for free download until mid February 2018 was “Bubble Budgeting: Throughput Optimization for Dynamic Workloads by Exploiting Dark Cores in Many Core Systems,” by Xiaohang Wang, Amit Kumar Singh, Bing Li, Yang Yang, Hong Li, and Terrence Mak. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) now available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also now available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena now available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
November-December 2017
- January featured paper, previously available for free download until mid January 2018 from here, is “Efficient Detection for Malicious and Random Errors in Additive Encrypted Computation,” by Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos and Michael Maniatakos. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- December featured paper, previously available for free download was “High Performance Parallel Decimal Multipliers Using Hybrid BCD Code,” by Xiaoping Cui, Wenwen Dong, Weiqiang Liu, Earl E. Swartzlander, and Fabrizio Lombardi. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
September-October 2017
- TC Associate Editor prof. Cecilia Metra has been voted 2018 IEEE Computer Society President-Elect. Our warmest congratulations to Cecilia!
- November featured paper, soon available for free download until mid November 2017 from here, is “Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Multimedia Applications in Heterogeneous Mobile Multi-Core Processors,” by Young Geun Kim, Minyong Kim, and Sung Woo Chung. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- October featured paper, now available for free download until mid October 2017 from here, is “Polysynchronous Clocking: Exploiting the Skew Tolerance of Stochastic Circuits,” by M. Hassan Najafi, David J. Lilja, Marc D. Riedel, and Kia Bazargan. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
July-August 2017
- The 2017 IEEE Computer Society Awards Ceremony pictures (June 2017, Phoenix, AZ) are now available here.
- September featured paper, previously available for free download until mid September 2017 was “Extending Unix Pipelines to DAGs,” by Diomidis Spinellis and Marios Fragkoulis. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here. The full directory of previously published YouTube TC clips in English is available here.
- August featured paper, previously available for free download until mid August 2017 was “Arb: Efficient Arbitrary-Precision Midpoint-Radius Interval Arithmetic,” by Fredrik Johansson. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
June 2017
- The impact factor of TC has increased from 1.723 in 2016 to 2.916 in 2017. Let me take this as an opportunity to thank all our contributing Authors, as well as TC Editorial Board and all our Reviewers.
- July featured paper, previously available for free download until mid June 2017 from here, was “Towards Optimal Multi-Level Checkpointing,” by Anne Benoit, Aurelien Cavelan, Valentin Le Fevre, Yves Robert, and Hongyang Sun. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
May 2017
- June featured paper, previously available for free download until mid June 2017 was “An Error-Detection and Self-Repairing Method for Dynamically and Partially Reconfigurable Systems,” by Matteo Sonza Reorda, Luca Sterpone, and Anees Ullah. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
April 2017
- May featured paper, previously available for free download until mid May 2017 was “Energy-Aware Adaptive Restore Schemes for MLC STT-RAM Cache” by Xunchao Chen, Navid Khoshavi, Ronald F. DeMara, Jun Wang, Dan Huang, Wujie Wen, and Yiran Chen. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
March 2017
- April featured paper, previously available for free download, was "SPACE: Semi-Partitioned CachE for Energy Efficient, Hard Real-Time Systems" by Gil Kedar, Avi Mendelson, and Israel Cidon. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
February 2017
- March featured paper, previously available for free download, was "Linear Branch Entropy: Characterizing and Optimizing Branch Behavior in a Micro-Architecture Independent Way" by Sander De Pestel, Stijn Eyerman, and Lieven Eeckhout. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here , as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
January 2017
- The following Researcher has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start her term in April 2017:
- Ingrid Verbauwhede (IEEE Fellow)
- February featured paper, previously available for free download, was, “Deadlock Verification of Cache Coherence Protocols and Communication Fabrics” by Freek Verbeek, Pooria M. Yaghini, Ashkan Eghbal, and Nader Bagherzadeh. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
- Posted in the page “As times goes by…” a picture with Ms. Natalie Cicero, taken during my last visit at the IEEE Headquarters in Piscataway.
December 2016
- Sincere congratulations to Associate Editors Fred Douglis, Jean-Michel Muller, Alex Yakovlev and Wenping Wang for their elevation to IEEE Fellow grade. Congratulations for the elevation also to the IEEE Computer Society 2018 President, Hironori Kasahara, former TC Associate Editor.
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and, if approved, will start their term in January 2017:
- Soonhoi Ha (IEEE Fellow)
- Marten van Dijk (from Univeristy of Connecticut)
- Guido Bertoni (from STMicroelectronics)
- Berhooz Parhami (IEEE Fellow)
- Joerg Henkel (IEEE Fellow)
- Alessandro Sorniotti (IEEE Senior Member)
- January featured paper, previously available for free download until mid January 2017 from here, is “Thermal Safe Power (TSP): Efficient Power Budgeting for Heterogeneous Manycore Systems in Dark Silicon” by Santiago Pagani, Heba Khdr, Jian-Jia Chen, Muhammad Shafique, Minming Li, and Joerg Henkel. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
- To meet Author’s requests, starting January 1st, 2017, TC will allow without any further prior and explicit permission by the Editor-in-Chief, submissions as:
- Regular paper – 16 double column, 12 pt pages (Note: All regular paper page limits include references and author biographies.)
- Brief contribution – 8 double column, 12 pt pages (Note: All brief paper page limits include references.)
- NOTE: all papers longer than 14 pages will be subject to MOPC for the number of pages exceeding 14 (or, in general, the most current bound set by the Computer Society and reported in the TC Authors’ Guidelines pages)
- My personal thank you goes to the following Associate Editors who will end their service on December 31, 2016: Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Peter Desnoyers, Petru Eles, Teofilo Gonzalez, Niraj Jha, Kenli Li, Ahmed Louri, Binoy Ravindran, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Weisong Shi, and Arun Somani.
November 2016
- “Editor’s pick of the year 2016”. I am very honored to announce that the Internal Committee chaired by Professor and Associate Editor Diana Marculescu (Petru Eles, Niraj Jha, Nei Kato, Giuseppe Lipari, Trevor Mudge, Patrick Schaumont, Alex Yakovlev) has selected four papers as Editor’s pick of the year 2016, which represent a highly representative selection of the journal. Each paper will be made available for free download to everyone for three months, through the main TC webpage so to “cover” the entire 2017 calendar year. The four papers (in order of appearance) are:
- Memory Bandwidth Management for Efficient Performance Isolation in Multi-Core Platforms, by Heechul Yun, Gang Yao, Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Marco Caccamo, and Lui Sha (IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 65, Issue: 2, February 2016, pages 562-576, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2015.2425889).
- Configurable XOR Hash Functions for Banked Scratchpad Memories in GPUs, by Gert-Jan van den Braak, Juan Gomez-Luna, Jose Marıa Gonzalez-Linares, Henk Corporaal, and Nicolas Guil (IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 65, Issue: 7, July 2016, pages 2045-2058, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2015.2479595).
- Optimised Multiplication Architectures for Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption, by Xiaolin Cao, Ciara Moore, Maire O’Neill, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, and Neil Hanley (IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 65, Issue: 9, September 2016, pages 2794-2806, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2015.2498606).
- A New Design of In-Memory File System Based on File Virtual Address Framework by Edwin H.-M. Sha, Xianzhang Chen, Qingfeng Zhuge, Liang Shi, and Weiwen Jiang (IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume: 65, Issue: 10, October 2016, pages 2959-2972, DOI: 10.1109/TC.2016.2516019).
- December featured paper, previously available for free download until mid December 2016 was “Analytical Processor Performance and Power Modeling Using Micro-Architecture Independent Characteristics" by Sam Van den Steen, Stijn Eyerman, Sander De Pestel, Moncef Mechri, Trevor E. Carlson, David Black-Schaffer, Erik Hagersten, and Lieven Eeckhout. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
October 2016
- Our Congratulations to all Colleagues who have been elected at the Computer Society. In particular, we congratulate:
- 2017 President: Hironori Kasahara, (IEEE Senior Member), former Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers
- BoG: Leila de Floriani, (IEEE Fellow), Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
- BoG: Sumi Helal, (IEEE Fellow), Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Magazine
- BoG: Avi Mendelson, (IEEE Senior Member), Associate Editor of TC
- November featured paper, previosly available for free download until mid November 2016 was “Scalable Power Management for On-Chip Systems with Malleable Applications” by Muhammad Shafique, Anton Ivanov, Benjamin Vogel, and Jorg Henkel. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on YouTube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on YouTube here.
- The computing industry relies on major developments and accomplishments by leaders in the field to remain dynamic and vital. IEEE Computer Society's Awards program offers a means of recognizing and rewarding these technology leaders for their contributions. The Computer Society's technical, service, and education awards recognize outstanding achievements and highlight significant contributors in the teaching and R&D computing communities. All members of the profession are invited to nominate individuals they consider most eligible to receive international recognition of an appropriate society award. The nomination deadline for the awards listed here is 15 October 2016. The the official announcement is found here and the flyer can be downloaded from here.
September 2016
- The September issue of IEEE Computer Magazine, hosted a spotlight article on the Transactions on Computers, presenting a wide perspective of the modern role of Computer Arithmetic.
- October featured paper, previously available for free download until mid October 2016 was “A New Design of In-Memory File System Based on File Virtual Address Framework” by Edwin H.-M. Sha, Xianzhang Chen, Qingfeng Zhuge, Liang Shi, and Weiwen Jiang. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on Youtube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on Youtube here.
- The computing industry relies on major developments and accomplishments by leaders in the field to remain dynamic and vital. IEEE Computer Society's Awards program offers a means of recognizing and rewarding these technology leaders for their contributions. The Computer Society's technical, service, and education awards recognize outstanding achievements and highlight significant contributors in the teaching and R&D computing communities. All members of the profession are invited to nominate individuals they consider most eligible to receive international recognition of an appropriate society award. The nomination deadline for the awards listed here is 15 October 2016. The the official announcement is found here and the flyer can be downloaded from here.
- All Computer Society Members are invited to vote for President Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Board of Governors. More information here. BALLOTS MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN 12:00 Noon EDT USA/16:00 UTC Time, Monday, 26 SEPTEMBER 2016. Results will be announced in Computer's December issue. Members (undergraduate students are not eligible to vote) in all regions can vote via the Web at
- IEEE Members are invited to vote at The official IEEE elections site is here.
August 2016
- September featured paper, previously available for free download until mid September 2016 was Optimised Multiplication Architectures for Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Encryption “” by Xiaolin Cao, Ciara Moore, Maire O’Neill, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, and Neil Hanley. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on Youtube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on Youtube here.
- CALL FOR PAPERS: A special section of IEEE TC on Computer Arithmetic has been approved and launched. Submission deadline is October 28, 2016. The full call is available here.
July 2016
- August featured paper, previously available for free download until mid August 2016 was “Node Scaling Analysis for Power-Aware Real-Time Tasks Scheduling” by Lei Yu, Fei Teng, and Frédéric Magoulès. This paper has an English video presentation by the Authors (solicited and supervised by Lan-Da Van) available on YouTube here, a presentation video in Chinese hosted on YouKu here prepared by Weiqiang Liu and also available on Youtube here, as well as a presentation video in Spanish, prepared by Tomás Fernández Pena available on Youtube here.
- My personal thank you to the following Associate Editors who ended their service on June 30, 2016: Rajiv Ranjan, Peter Tang, Lizhe Wang, Yang Xiang.
June 2016
- July featured paper, previously available for free download until mid July 2016 was "Configurable XOR Hash Functions for Banked Scratchpad Memories in GPUs” by Gert-Jan van den Braak, Juan Gomez-Luna, Jose Marıa Gonzalez-Linares, Henk Corporaal, and Nicolas Guil. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here (The Chinese presentation is also available on Youtube here). Starting this month, a presentation in Spanish, prepared by Associate Editor prof. Pena, is available on Youtube here.
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term in July 2016:
- Máire O’Neill (IEEE Senior Member)
- Paul Gratz (IEEE Senior Member)
May 2016
- June featured paper, previously available for free download until mid June 2016, was "Loss-Aware Switch Design and Non-Blocking Detection Algorithm for Intra-Chip Scale Photonic Interconnection Networks” by Hesam Shabani, Arman Roohi, Akram Reza, Midia Reshadi, Nader Bagherzadeh, and Ronald F. DeMara. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here (The Chinese presentation is also available on Youtube here).
- The following Researcher has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start his term in July 2016:
- Tomás F. Pena (IEEE Senior Member)
April 2016
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term in July 2016:
- Ramón M. Rodríguez-Dagnino (IEEE Senior Member)
- Donatella Sciuto (IEEE Fellow)
- My personal thank you goes to the following Associate Editors who ended their service on March 31, 2016: Jean-Luc Beuchat, Hironori Kasahara, Alberto Nannarelli, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran.
- May featured paper, available for free download until mid May 2016 was "Temporal Consistency Maintenance Upon Partitioned Multiprocessor Platforms" by Jianjun Li, Jian-Jia Chen, Ming Xiong, Guohui Li, and Wei Wei. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
March 2016
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term in April 2016:
- Lieven Eeckhout (IEEE Senior Member)
- Samarjit Chakraborty (IEEE Senior Member),
- Jason Cong (IEEE Fellow and recipient of the 2016 Computer Society Technical Achievement Award),
- Sushil Jajodia (IEEE Fellow and recipient of the 2016 Computer Society Technical Achievement Award),
- Hanan Samet (IEEE Fellow and recipient of the Computer Society Wallace McDowell Award),
- Lieven Eeckhout (IEEE Senior Member)
- April featured paper, available for free download until mid April 2016 was "Wireless NoC for VFI-Enabled Multicore Chip Design: Performance Evaluation and Design Trade-Offs" by Ryan Gary Kim, Wonje Choi, Guangshuo Liu, Ehsan Mohandesi, Partha Pratim Pande, Diana Marculescu, and Radu Marculescu. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
February 2016
- The following Researcher has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start his term in April 2016:
- Gernot Heiser (IEEE Fellow),
- March featured paper, available for free download until mid March 2016 was "Utilization Aware Power Management in Reliable and Aggressive Chip Multi Processors" by Naga Durga Prasad Avirneni, Prem Kumar Ramesh, and Arun K. Somani. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
- At the February 2016 Board of Governors Meeting of the Computer Society, Paolo Montuschi received a "Spirit," award for exemplifying the Spirit of the Computer Society by the achievements obtained while serving as Editor-in-Chief, and Chair/Member of several Computer Society and IEEE committees.
- Paolo Montuschi has been appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the 2016 Computer Society Fellows Committee.
- Paolo Montuschi has been re-appointed to serve for a second term (2017-18) as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. A sincere thank you to Ms. Cicero, the IEEE and CS Staff as well as Associate Editors, reviewers and Authors for their support and collaboration.
January 2016
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term in April 2016:
- Isabelle Puaut,
- Dinesh Manocha (IEEE Fellow),
- Ruby B. Lee (IEEE Fellow),
- February featured paper, previously available for free download until mid February 2016 was "Memory Bandwidth Management for Efficient Performance Isolation in Multi-Core Platforms" by Heechul Yun, Gang Yao, Rodolfo Pellizzoni, Marco Caccamo, and Lui Sha. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
- As of December 31, 2015 the total number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1798, where out of them 1349 are final. Overall TC has received 985 submission in 2015. My big thank you goes to the Editorial Board, Reviewers and Authors for these important milestones and for their continued interest in the IEEE Transactions on Computers.
- Sincere congratulations to Associate Editors David Alonso Atienza, Weisong Shi and Daniel Zeng for their elevation to IEEE Fellow grade!
- CALL FOR PAPERS: A special section of IEEE TC on Secure Computer Architectures has been approved and launched. Submission deadline is May 30, 2016. The full call is available here.
- January featured paper, previously available for free download until mid January 2016 was "Thread Assignment in Multicore/Multithreaded Processors: A Statistical Approach" by Petar Radojkovic, Paul M. Carpenter, Miquel Moreto, Vladimir Cakarevic, Javier Verdu, Alex Pajuelo, Francisco J. Cazorla, Mario Nemirovsky, and Mateo Valero. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
- As of December 1, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1714, where out of them 1282 are final. On the same day, TC has received its 915-th submission in 2015.
- On November 21, Paolo Montuschi has been admitted into Life Membership of Eta Kappa Nu, the Honor Society of IEEE.
- CALL FOR PAPERS: A joint special section of IEEE TC and IEEE TETC on Innovation in Reconfigurable Computing Fabrics: from Devices to Architectures, has been approved and launched. Submission deadline is April 30, 2016. The full call is available here.
- December featured paper, previously available for free download until mid December 2015 was "Analytical Fault Tolerance Assessment and Metrics for TSV-Based 3D Network-on-Chip" by Ashkan Eghbal, Pooria M. Yaghini, Nader Bagherzadeh, and Misagh Khayambashi. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu as well as an English presentation by the Authors available on YouTube here.
- On November 2, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1608, where out of them 1202 are final. On the same day, TC has received its 844-th submission in 2015.
- November featured paper, previously available for free download until mid November 2015 was “Near-Optimal Thermal Monitoring Framework for Many-Core Systems-on-Chip" by Juri Ranieri, Alessandro Vincenzi, Amina Chebira, David Atienza, and Martin Vetterli. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- The October issue of IEEE Computer Magazine, hosted a spotlight article on the Transactions on Computers, presenting in a wide perspective the paper “SpiNNaker—Programming Model”, by IEEE Fellow and Recipient of the Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award Dr. Steve B. Furber and his team.
- On October 2, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1522, where out of them 1141 are final. On the same day, TC has received its 800-th submission in 2015.
- The following Researcher has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start his term on January 1, 2016:
- Marco Caccamo (IEEE Senior Member),
- IEEE Computer Society awards recognize outstanding achievements and highlight significant contributors in the teaching and R&D computing communities. All members of the profession are invited to nominate individuals who they consider most eligible to receive international recognition of an appropriate society award. The the official announcement is found here while the flyer can be downloaded from here.
- My personal thank you goes to the following Associate Editors who will end their service on September 30, 2015: Habib M. Ammari, Tian He, Michael Hsiao, Keqiu Li, Yingshu Li, Meikang Qiu, Berk Sunar, Bharadwaj Veeravalli.
- October featured paper, previously available for free download until mid October 2015 was “Parallel Decodable Two-Level Unequal Burst Error Correcting Codes" by Kazuteru Namba and Fabrizio Lombardi. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- On September 2, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1404, where out of them 1050 are final. On the same day, TC has accounted a grand total of 730 submissions.
August 2015
- Professor Ahmed Louri, Associate Editor of the TC, has accepted a position as an Endowed Professor and Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering at George Washington University (Wasshington, DC). Our sincere congratulations, Dr. Louri!
- September featured paper, previously available for free download until mid September 2015 was “Revisiting Vulnerability Analysis in Modern Microprocessors”, by Michail Maniatakos, Maria Michael, Chandra Tirumurti, and Yiorgos Makris. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- On August 9, the 1300-th decision has been taken since 1.1.2015; out of them, 970 are final.
- On August 1, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1267, where out of them 946 are final. On the same day, TC has accounted a grand total of 653 submissions.
- If you plan to submit a paper to the IEEE Transactions on Computers, please have a look at the Information for Authors and at the scope of TC. TC is a publication of the Computer Society -CS- (vision and commitment here) and its coverage reflects the interests of the CS, where computation is primary. Please have your submission following the guidelines reported at without modifying margins, header and footer, fonts, … and adding biographies of Authors to all regular papers. Unfortunately, no exception for extra pages beyond the maximum will be made. The full policy on Mandatory Overlength Page Charges of accepted papers that exceed the regular paper length limit after final editing and layout, is found here.
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term on October 1, 2015:
- Yuan Xie (IEEE Fellow),
- Phillip Laplante (IEEE Fellow),
- Naofumi Takagi (IEEE Senior Member),
- Jiajia Liu (IEEE Senior Member),
- Yuan Xie (IEEE Fellow),
July 2015
- Paolo Montuschi been appointed as Chair of the 2016 Computer Society Technical Achievement Award Subcommittee. If you wish to nominate a Colleague, please visit this page. Nomination deadline is 15 October, 2015.
- Paolo Montuschi has been appointed as Co-General Chair (with Mike Schulte of AMD) of the 23rd IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (July 2016).
- August featured paper, previously available for free download until mid August 2015 was “Utility Functions and Resource Management in an Oversubscribed Heterogeneous Computing Environment”, by Bhavesh Khemka, Ryan Friese, Luis D. Briceno, H.J. Siegel, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Gregory A. Koenig, Chris Groer, Gene Okonski, Marcia M. Hilton, Rajendra Rambharos, and Steve Poole. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- On July 1, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1142, where out of them 853 are final. On the same day, TC has accounted a grand total of 572 submissions.
- Please observe that starting July 1, 2015, TC submission format is two column style only (please do not modify margins, fonts, …); papers not in this format will be returned to Authors.
June 2015
- July featured paper, previously available for free download until mid July 2015 was “Parallel Reproducible Summation”, by James Demmel and Hong Diep Nguyen. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- On June 1, 2015 the number of 2015 decided submissions, has reached the value 1000, where out of them 751 are final. My big thank you goes to the Editorial Board and Reviewers for this important milestone. Meanwhile, on May 29, TC has received the 500th submission since the beginning of 2015. I thank all Authors for their continued interest in the IEEE Transactions on Computers.
- At the June 2015 Administrative Meeting of the Computer Society in Atlanta, Paolo Montuschi has received the 2014 IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Service Award “In recognition of exceptional service chairing the Magazine Operations Committee, the Electronic Product and Services Committee, and the Digital Library Operations Committee”.
- At the June 2015 Administrative Meeting of the Computer Society in Atlanta, Krishnendu Chakrabarty (AE of TC) has received the 2015 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award. Our best and sincere congratulations to Dr. Chakrabarty!
- Mazin Yousif, EiC of IEEE Cloud computing, raised to my attention this interesting article: ”Scientists who cheat: cheating in scientific and academic papers is a longstanding problem, but it is hard to read recent headlines and not conclude that it has gotten worse...” (The opinion pages of NY Times, June 1, 2015).
- My personal thank you goes to the following Associate Editors who will end their service on June 30, 2015: Abhishek Chandra, Jinjun Chen, Eui-Young Chung, Amr El Abbadi, Vincenzo Eramo, Samee Khan, Hai Jin, Dan Li, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Yi Pan, Manish Parashar, Sanjay Ranka, Zahir Tari, Mateo Valero, Julio Villalba, Laurence T. Yang.
May 2015
- June featured paper, previously available for free download until mid June 2015 was “SpiNNaker—Programming Model”, by Andrew D. Brown, Steve B. Furber, Jeffrey S. Reeve, Jim D. Garside, Kier J. Dugan, Luis A. Plana, and Steve Temple. This paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by Weiqiang Liu.
- The following Researchers have been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Transactions on Computers and will start their term on July 1, 2015:
- Adolfo Guzman Arenas (IEEE Fellow),
- Oscar Plata Gonzales,
- Diana Marculescu (IEEE Fellow),
- Paolo Faraboschi (IEEE Fellow),
- Paulo Barreto,
- Nei Kato (IEEE Fellow),
- Ann Gordon-Ross,
- Patrick Girard (IEEE Fellow),
- Çetin Kaya Koç (IEEE Fellow),
- Trevor Mudge (IEEE Life Fellow),
April 2015
- The TC now have their multimedia page in Chinese at
- May featured paper, previously available for free download until mid May 2015 was “A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Embedded Real-Time Systems with Resource Sharing”, by Alan Burns, Marina Gutierrez, Mario Aldea Rivas,and Michael Gonzalez Harbour.
- The May featured paper has a presentation video in Chinese prepared by AE Weiqiang Liu.
- The monthly featured paper’s video are available in the Youku Transactions on Computers Channel (maintained by Weiqiang Liu) and in the Youtube Channel of the Computer Society.
March 2015
- April featured paper, previously available for free download until mid April 2015 , was “Mission Reliability, Cost and Time for Cold Standby Computing Systems with Periodic Backup”, by Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing, Barry W. Johnson, and Yuanshun Dai.
- My personal thank you to the following Associate Editors who have ended their service in 2014: David Bader, Paolo Bellavista, Chen Chandra, Tom Conte, Laurent Imbert, Rami Melhem, Ethan Miller, Lei Wang, Yuanyuan Yang.
- My personal thank you goes to the following Associate Editors who will end their service on March 31, 2015: Albert Cheng, Sung Woo Chung, Florent de Dinechin, Masahiro Fujita, Minyi Guo, Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee, Keqin Li, Ying-Dar Lin, Jim Plusquellic, Eric Rotenberg, Gang Qu, Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Domenico Talia, Huapeng Wu, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Jingling Xue.
- A big welcome to the newly appointed Associate Editors who will start their term on April 1, 2015:
- Wenping Wang,
- Elisardo Antelo,
- Natalie Enright Jerger,
- Paulo Verissimo,
- Peter Desnoyers,
- Hironori Kasahara,
- Alex Yakovlev,
- Giuseppe Lipari,
- Weiqiang Liu,
- Daniel Zeng,
- Starting May 2015, thanks to Weiqiang Liu, the new TC Featured Paper of the month is having a short video presentation in Chinese -with English subtitles-, posted in YouKu, YouTube, as well as TC website.
February 2015
- March featured paper, previously available for free download until mid March 2015 was “Leaving One Slot Empty: Flit Bubble Flow Control for Torus Cache-Coherent NoCs”, by Sheng Ma, Zhiying Wang, Zonglin Liu, and Natalie Enright Jerger.
- The IEEE Transactions on Computers year-by-year Reviewers Lists are available in the Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL). Pointers are also available from this page (2002 to onward).
January 2015
- February featured paper, previously available for free download until mid February 2015, was “Adaptive Cache Coherence Mechanisms with Producer – Consumer Sharing Optimization for Chip Multiprocessors”, by A. Kayi, O. Serres, and T. El-Ghazawi.
- If you plan to submit a paper to the IEEE Transactions on Computers, please have a look at the Information for Authors and at the scope of TC. Please consider that the TC is a publication of the Computer Society -CS- (vision and commitment here) and its coverage reflects the interests of the CS, where computation is primary.
- January featured paper, available for free download until mid January 2015, was “Fool Me If You Can: Mimicking Attacks and Anti-Attacks in Cyberspace”, by Shui Yu, Song Guo, and Ivan Stojmenovic.
- Please consider preparing a short video abstract of your accepted paper for inclusion in the TC multimedia library and in IEEE Xplore. Please contact prof. Savas (erkays “at” sabanciuniv "dot“ edu) (with in CC pmo “at" computer “dot" org) for further information *before* preparing the video.
- My personal Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to all Readers, Authors, Associate Editors and Staff of the IEEE Transactions on Computers.
December 2014
- EIC Albert Zomaya and Paolo Montuschi appointed prof. Javier Diaz Bruguera as Associate Editor in Chief (term january 2015 - december 2016).
- Farewell message by the outgoing EIC Albert Zomaya, and Welcome message by incoming EIC. Paolo Montuschi have been published in the January 2015 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Computers and are available for free download from the IEEE Xplore web site.
- EIC Albert Zomaya appointed four new Associate Editors:
- Kenli Li
- Shi-Yu Huang
- Zili Shao
- Weisong Shi
November 2014
EIC Albert Zomaya appointed six new Associate Editors:
- Nader Bagherzadeh (
- Yingshu Li (
- Avi Mendelson (
- Vincenzo Piuri (
- Erkay Savas (
- Xiaorui Wang (
October 2014
EIC Albert Zomaya appointed six new Associate Editors:
- Tian He (
- Samee Khan (
- Eren Kursun
- Rajiv Ranjan (
- Meikang Qiu (
- Lan-Da Van (
September 2014
EIC Albert Zomaya approved a joint special section of TC & TNANO on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (submission deadline: jan 15, 2015). Full call for papers is available here.
June 2014
Paolo Montuschi announced EiC of the TC 2015-16.
Disclaimer. The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the IEEE