For previous years’ courses notes, please click here
2013-20 2012-13 and before
Oustanding achievement from my Student Jonathan Storm
(From the message by Johnatan) During the summer i also won Sikkerhetsfestivalen 2019 CTF at sikkerhetsfestivalen ( and IFI lan ctf 2019, ifi is the department of Informatics of UiO, in this competition I was one of 2 to solve an exercise made by the Norwegian army intelligence service. Both of these ctfs where organized by UiO and I will try to find /get a copy of the scoreboard from the organizers . I have also participated in some competitions with another team , not inequationgroup, called bootplug with whom I am going to Romania this November to participate in the finals of defcamp ctf ( at the defcamp conference (
FIRTS Prize won by my Students Jonathan Storm, Biberg Kavlie and Luigi Sciolla at THE GATHERING LAN PARTY

(From the message by Johnatan) The event is a competition held during the gathering, the worlds second biggest LAN party. The competition was a jeopardy based ctf where the challenges range from decoding rot 13 to exploiting a crazy patch in Google chromes JavaScript engine. The competition was open to everyone, but only people at the gathering could solve some of the challenges and win prices. The competitions website is still up at we participated as Inequation group a reference to NSA notorious equation group. My team was composed of: Jonathan Storm, Biberg Kavlie (associated with polito), Luigi Sciolla (associated with polito), Kasper Furnes Bernhoff (associated with Universitetet i Agder), Kevin Sillerud ( who studied at Norges Informasjonsteknologiske Høgskole and is currently working at NAV), Ludvig Anderssen (Self taught)
Here is a clip from the price ceremony, I have also added a picture of the team on stage (note the teams which placed 2 and 3 are also present) and a nice picture of a part of the event hall video from the price ceremony.
HKN Mu Nu Chapter was presented with the Outstanding Chapter Award 2016-17.
FPGA Blackjack Project
FPGA blackjack game project by Ulfat Abjabborov, Alexandru Macsim
and Jamal Mohammed, computer engineering students of Politecnico di
Torino, who attended the Computer Architecture course.
iPoliTO per Studenti (Iphone app)
My Student Carlo Rapisarda, on January 6, 2016, was the first to offer a free Iphone app to all Students attending Politecnico di Torino. The app has received several updates and, as of July 2016, is freely downloadable from The official app from Politecnico di Torino has been offered since April 7, 2016 and is available from
The Pac-Man Project
Pac-Man-Like Video Game with a Xilinx Board by Giorgio Avalle e Carlo Cannas (more info here). Please note the sunglasses when the Pacm-Man enters the super mode (from minute 2 to 2.30, approx.)

On November 14-15, 2015 Jetop ( and I3P ( run a wearable hackathon ( ( ).
I am very honored and proud to report that a group formed by several of my former (and soon to be former) students won the first prize with the project “KODÁLY BAND”. Please have a look at the web page here and visit the project web page at
Congratulations to: Edoardo Giusto, Mattia Griotti,, Mauro Guerrera, Simone Palombi, Edrian Jose Quintos, Giulio Scalia.
Image visualization with Spartan3 (Starter Board) by Alessandro De Palma and Francesco Pierri
Image visualization project: quick start guide
Coolrunner II project by German Sviridov and Manuel Del Verme
Coolrunner II calculator presentation by Daniele Reda and Anton Ayzenberg
Coolrunner II calculator presentation by Ahmad El Zein and Ibrahim Safwan Zaiter
Computer Architecture CoolRunner-II project By Cristian Ricardo Quadro and Davide Pala
2013-17 2012-13 and before
The Pac-Man Project ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16PRPrize won by my Students Jonathan Storm, Biberg Kavlie and Luigi Sciolla