If you are an Author, please read the TETC Guidelines and visit the CS Author Center.
For inquiries related to IEEE TETC please send an email (less than 150 words) to tetc-eic *at* computer *dot* org
To be a TETC Reviewer, please ensure to comply with the following mandatory (but not necessarily sufficient) minimum requirements:
- hold a PhD degree
- have previous certified top journal / top venue publication experience
- have a reachable website with professional resume and information
- be a fluent & clear writer in technical English
- have (created) and keep updated an accout here
Reviewers are invited to review a paper by the handling AE, based on their certified expertise, relevance and timeliness of previous reviews.
The IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing year-by-year Reviewers Lists are available in the Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL).
Instructions and template to propose a special section can be downloaded from the main page of TETC.
For news about my past service as EiC of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, please click HERE.
— NEWS —
January-April 2021
- Paolo Montuschi appointed Acting EiC of the TETC for 2021-23.
- The following policies are effective for all TETC submissions:
- Regular paper – 12 double column pages (Submissions may be up to 16 pages in length, subject to MOPC. Longer submissions must be approved by the EIC, up to 20 pages maximum. All regular paper page limits include references and author biographies.)
- Short paper – 6 double column pages (all brief paper page limits include references).
- As per TETC policies, only full-length papers (10-16 pages with technical material, double column) can be submitted to special sections. For all special sections and (regular paper) technical track submissions, the bibliography should not exceed 45 items and each author’s bio (when necessary) should not exceed 150 words; furthermore, all the author bios should fit at most on one page and a half. For technical track short paper submissions, the bibliography should not exceed 25 items, and no bio has to be provided.
- ALL submissions exceeding 12 pages at any time of the review process
should explicitly report, in the related cover letter, a declaration
that the authors are aware of the MOPC policies and, when due, will pay
the related charges without requesting any future waiving. Please note
that the MOPC policies and the amount of final charges do effectively
apply to ALL submissions exceeding 12 pages after final layout of the
accepted manuscript.
- Instructions and template to propose a special section have been further updated and can be downloaded from the main page of TETC (tab “write for us”).
For news about my past service as EiC of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, please click HERE.
Disclaimer. The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the IEEE