Thesis opportunities - Domenic D'Ambrosio's web page

Domenic D'Ambrosio
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Thesis opportunities

Master or Bachelor thesis
I'm always looking for strongly motivated students who wish to carry out their Master (or Bachelor) thesis under my supervision. Of course, to be a good supervisor, I can only follow the activity of a limited number of students at the same time and thus I have to do some selection. Interested students are invited to write me an via e-mail at attaching their CV that should include a list of passed courses and marks also. The Masters Theses I supervise are usually concerned with my research activity, so please navigate the "Research" section of this web site and check whether my research topics may interest you or not. I will not accept to supervise topics proposed by students if I am not directly interested in the subject. Concening Bachelor Theses, I am a little more open to students proposal also.

Thesis abroad or in a Company
If you are carrying out a thesis abroad as an exchange student, or if you will do your thesis in a Company, I may be you supervisor for the Politecnico di Torino side as far as the topic of the thesis matches my expertise. Just write me an e-mail at explaing who you are, where you are going to do your thesis, who will be your external supervisor and what is the subject you have been assigned.

For a list of theses I supervised during the last two years, go to

Politecnico di Torino
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale (DIMEAS)
phone: +39-011-090-6852
fax: +39-011-090-6899

© Copyright 2020 - Domenic D'Ambrosio
Professor Domenic D'Ambrosio's web page
Here you can find information about my research interests, ongoing projects, teaching acivity, thesis opportunities, consultancy activity for small enterprises and large industries.

Mailing address
Prof. Domenic D'Ambrosio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale (DIMEAS)
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
I-10129 Torino
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