Active courses
Here's a list of the Courses that I have the honour and the pleasure to teach at this time:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (link)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics / Turbulent flows - Computational Fluid Dynamics module (link)
Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Master's students in Aerospace Engineering.
- Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics (link)
Fundamentals of Aerothermodynamics for Planetary Atmospheric Entry and Hypersonic Atmospheric Flight for Master's students in Aerospace Engineering.
- Computational Fluid dynamics and Wind Engineering (link)
Computational Fluid Dynamics methods for compressible flows for Master's students in Mathematical Engineering.
- Human Space Systems I - Planetary Entry Aerothermodynamics module (link)
Basics of planetary entry aerothermodynamics for 2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in Space Exploration and Development Systems (SEEDS) students