
Bartolomeo Montrucchio


Welcome in my home page!

I am a full professor at the Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica - DAUIN) and I am with the GRAphics and INtelligent Systems Group (GRAINS), already Computer Networks and Architectures Group.
I also work, as vice head (from July 2012), with the Centro Interateneo di interesse regionale per la Formazione degli Insegnanti Secondari (CIFIS) (already SIS).

My current research interests are in the areas of image processing (image analysis) and parallel and distributed computing.

Here are my papers.

I hold the courses of Informatica, Computer Vision, System Programming and Parallel and Distributed Computing.

My general arguments of interest are as follows::
* Search Engines.
* Right time.
* Weather forecast.
* Sport.
* Astronomy.
* Satellite TV (for Europe only).
* Bibliografic Search.
* Links to my friends.
* Free Proxy server .
* My RSA/X.509 public key certificate issued by ICE-TEL Certification Authority.
* Benchmark.
* Photos of Torino (in 2006) (last update 25th June 2006).
If you are interested in Computer Graphics you should also view the Web Server realized from my friend Andrea Sanna.

If you want to search on our DNS you can try this script.

I am solely responsible for these pages, and they absolutely don't reflect any opinion of the hosting organization. It should be noticed that every link is traced.
All pages are easily accessible also by a modem and eventually with a textual browser (eg. lynx).
Bartolomeo Montrucchio
phone: +39 011 564.7078
fax: +39 011 564.7099 Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino (IT)

Fri Apr 1 22:00:04 MET 2022