July 1-5, 2019 - ICTP, Trieste

TAGSS III - algebraic Geometry towards applications

School's Webpage

Nowadays the number of researchers who use algebraic geometry in industrial and applied mathematics is bigger than ever, and it keeps growing. The methods they use have already seen applications in: biology, coding theory, cryptography, combustion, computational geometry, computer graphics, quantum computing, control theory, geometric design, complexity theory, machine learning, nonlinear partial differential equations, optimization, robotics, and statistics.

The school featured courses by:

Alicia DickensteinUniversidad de Buenos Aires,

Biochemical reaction networks modeled by mass-action kinetics
- basics on reaction networks with mass-action kinetics: biochemical notions, algebraic notions, dynamical notions
- steady state invariants and computational algebraic geometry
- networks with toric steady states
- counting the number of positive steady states and real solutions to polynomial systems


Sandra Di Rocco  - KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm,

Algebraic Geometry of data clouds
- Algebraic modelling (Kinematics) (slides)
- Sampling algebraic varieties: the reach (slides)
- Classical theory: projective embeddings and polar classes
- Euclidean Distance Degree (slides)
- the Bottleneck degree of varieties (slides)