Engineering applications
Applicazioni ingegneristiche
- R. Nuca, A. Lo Giudice, L. Preziosi.
Degenerate parabolic models for sand slides,
Appl. Math. Model. 89: 1627-1639 (2021).
- A. Lo Giudice, R. Nuca, L. Preziosi.
Wind-blown particulate transport: A review of computational fluid dynamics models,
Math. in Engng. 1: 508—547 (2019).
- A. Lo Giudice, L. Preziosi.
A fully Eulerian multiphase model of windblown sand coupled with morphodynamic evolution: Erosion, transport, deposit and avalanching,
Appl. Math. Model. 79: 68-84 (2020).
- L. Bruno, L. Preziosi.
A SMaRT approach to sand mitigation,
Railway Gazette International, 42—44, July 2019.
- A. Ramírez-Torres, R. Penta, R. Rodríguez-Ramos, A. Grillo, L. Preziosi, J. Merodio, R. Guinovart-Díaz, J. Bravo-Castillero.
Homogenized out-of-plane shear response of three-scale fiber-reinforced composites,
Computing and Visualization in Science 20, 85-93 (2019).
- A. Lo Giudice, G. Giammanco, D. Fransos, L. Preziosi.
Modelling sand slides by a mechanics-based degenerate parabolic equation,
Math. Mech. Solids 24, 2558–2575 (2019).
- L. Bruno, N. Coste, D. Fransos, A. Lo Giudice, L. Preziosi, L. Raffaele.
Shield for Sand: An innovative aerodynamically shaped barrier for windblown sand mitigation,
Recent Patents on Engineering 12, 237-246 (2018).
- L. Raffaele, L. Bruno, F. Pellerey, L. Preziosi.
Windblown sand saltation: A statistical approach to threshold shear velocity,
Aeolian Res. 23, 79-91 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2016.10.002.
- L. Preziosi, D. Fransos, L. Bruno.
A multiphase first order model for non-equilibrium sand erosion, transport and sedimentation,
Appl. Math. Lett., 45: 69-75 (2015).
- E. Bovet, B. Chiaia, L. Preziosi.
A new model for
snow avalanche dynamics based on Bingham fluids,
Meccanica 45: 753-765, (2010).
- E. Bovet, F. Barpi, B. Chiaia, L. Preziosi.
The level set method applied to avalanches, in
Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference, 321-325 (2007).
- L. Preziosi, L. Rondoni.
Conservative discretization of the Boltzmann equation and the Semicontinuous
Model, in N. Bellomo, R. Gatignol, Eds.,
Lecture Notes on the Discretization of the Boltzmann Equation, p. 59-95, Chapman Hall/CRC
Press, (2002).
- D. Ambrosi, A. Farina, L. Preziosi.
Recent developments and open problems in composites materials manufacturing, in
A. M. Anile, V. Capasso, A. Greco, Eds.,
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000, p. 475-487, Springer, (2002).
- D. Ambrosi, R. Lancellotta, L. Preziosi.
Mathematical models for soil consolidation problems: A state-of-the-art
report, in G. Capriz, V. N. Ghionna, P. Giovine, Eds.,
Modelling and Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials, p. 159-180, Birkhauser,
- A. Farina, L. Preziosi.
Non-isothermal injection moulding with resin cure and preform deformability,
Composites A 31: 1355-1372, (2000).
- D. Ambrosi, L. Preziosi.
Modelling injection moulding processes with deformable porous preforms,
SIAM J. Appl. Math. 61: 22-42, (2000).
- A. Farina, L. Preziosi.
Deformable porous media and composites manufacturing, in K. Markov, L.
Preziosi, Eds.,
Heterogeneous Media: Micromechanics Modelling Methods and Simulations, p. 321-410,
Birkhauser, (2000).
- A. Farina, L. Preziosi.
Infiltration processes in composite materials manufacturing: Modelling and
qualitative results, in A. Fasano, Ed.,
Complex Flows in Industrial Processes, p. 281-306, Birkhauser, (2000).
- A. Farina, L. Preziosi.
Infiltration of a polymerizing resin in a deformable preform for fiber reinforced
composites, in R. Spigler, Ed.,
Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Venice-2, p. 259-271, Kluwer, (1998).
- R. Lancellotta, L. Preziosi.
A general nonlinear mathematical model for soil consolidation problems,
Int. J. Engng. Sci. 35: 1045-1063, (1997).
- L. Preziosi, D.D. Joseph, G. Beavers.
Infiltration of initially dry, deformable porous media,
Int. J. Multiphase Flows 22: 1205-1222, (1996).
- L. Preziosi.
The theory of deformable porous media and its application to composite materials manufacturing,
Surveys in Mathematics for Industry 6: 167-214, (1996).
- L. Preziosi.
The semi-continuous Boltzmann equation for gas mixtures,
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 3: 665-680, (1993).
- L. Preziosi
An inverse source--sink problem for the nonlinear heat equation
Mathl. Comp. Modelling 17: 3-11, (1993).
- E. Longo, L. Preziosi, N. Bellomo.
The semicontinuous Boltzmann equation: Towards a model for fluid dynamic applications,
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2: 65-93, (1992).
- L. Preziosi.
Thermal creep problem by the discrete Boltzmann equation
Transp. Theory Stat. Phys. 21: 183-209, (1992).
- G.P. Galdi, D.D. Joseph, L. Preziosi, S. Rionero.
Mathematical problems for miscible, incompressible fluids with Korteweg stresses,
Eur. J. Mech./B: Fluid 10: 269-294, (1991).
- L. Preziosi, F. Rosso.
Interfacial stability in a two layer shearing flow of immiscible liquids between sliding pipes,
Eur. J. Mech./B: Fluid 10: 253-267, (1991).
- L. Preziosi, F. Rosso.
Stability of a viscous liquid between sliding pipes,
Phys. Fluids/A 2: 1158-1162, (1990).
- D.D. Joseph, L. Preziosi.
Addendum to Heat waves,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 62: 375-392, (1990).
- D.D. Joseph, L. Preziosi.
Heat waves,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 61: 47-71, (1989).
- L. Preziosi, F. Rosso.
Stability of a viscous liquid between sliding pipes,
Phys. Fluids/A 2: 1158-1162, (1990).
- L. Preziosi.
On an invariance property of the solution to Stokes' first problem for viscoelastic fluids,
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 33: 225-228, (1989).
- L. Preziosi, S. Rionero.
Energy stability of steady shear flows of a viscoelastic fluid,
Int. J. Engng. Sci. 27: 1167-1181, (1989).
- L. Preziosi, K.P. Chen, D.D. Joseph.
Lubricated pipelining: Stability of core-annular flow,
J. Fluid Mech. 201: 323-356, (1989).
- P. Than, L. Preziosi, D.D. Joseph, M. Arney.
Measurement of interfacial tension between immiscible liquids with the spinning rod tensiometer,
J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 124: 552-559, (1988).
- L.Preziosi, D.D. Joseph.
The run-off condition for coating and rimming flows,
J. Fluid Mech. 187: 99-113, (1988).
- D.D. Joseph, L. Preziosi.
Stability of rigid motions and coating films in bicomponent flow of immiscible liquids,
J. Fluid Mech. 185: 323-351, (1987).
- T.I. Hesla, F.R. Pranckh, L. Preziosi
Squire's theorem for two stratified fluids,
Phys. Fluids 29: 2808-2811, (1986).