Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche "Giuseppe Luigi Lagrange"

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 Francesco Malaspina




         44) “Ulrich bundles of arbitrary rank on Segre-Veronese varieties” to appear on  J. Algebra 598 (2022), 570-607.

         43) “H-instanton bundles on three dimensional polarized varieties” (with V. Antonelli)   J. Algebra 598 (2022), 570-607.


         42) “Non-Ulrich representation type” (with D. Faenzi, G. Sanna)  Algebraic Geometry (2021), 8(4), 406–429.


·       40) “Ulrich bundles on the degree six Segre fourfold” J. Algebra 553 (2020), 154-174.


·       39) “Instanton bundles on the Segre threefold with Picard Number three” (with V. Antonelli)  Math. Nachr (2020), 293(6), 1026–1043.


·       38) “Instanton bundles on the flag varierty F(0,1,2)” (with S. Marchesi, J. Pons-Llopis) Annali Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa (2020), 20(4), 1469–1505.


·       37) “Ulrich bundles on smooth projective varieties of minimal degree” (with M. Aprodu, S. Huh, J. Pons-Llopis)  Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 issue 12 (2019), 5117-5129.


·       36) “aCM sheaves on the double plane ” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh, J. Pons-Llopis)  Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.  vol 732 issue 3 (2019), 1783-1816.


·       35) “Weighted Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and weighted global generation” (with G. Sankaran), J. Algebra and its Appl. 18 (2019) 1-15.


·       34) “Cohomological property of vector bundles on biprojective spaces” (with C. Miyazaki),  Ric. Mat. 67  (2018) 963-968.


·       33) “Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo fourfold of degree 6 and its general hyperplane section.(with  G. Casnati, D. Faenzi) , J. Pure Appl Algebra 222 Issue 3 (2018),  585–609.


·       32) “Surface of minimal degree of tame representation type and mutation of Cohen-Macauly modules” (with D. Faenzi), Adv.  Math. 310 (2017) 663-695.


·       31) “Monads and Qregularity of odd and even instantons bundles on quadric hypersurfaces”,  J. Algebra and its Appl. 16 (2017) pp 4.


·       30) “Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo threefold of degree 7.” (with  G. Casnati, M. Philip), Rev. Math Complutense 37 (2017),  129-165.


·       29) “Globally generated vector bundles on complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefols”  (with E. Ballico, S. Huh) Adv. Theor. Math. Physics 20 (2016), 1125-1166


·       28) “Globally generated vector bundles on P1×P1×P1 with low first Chern classes” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh)  J. Algebra vol 450 (2016), 487-521.


·       27) “Globally generated vector bundles on Segre threefolds with Picard number two” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh),  Math. Nachr 289, Issue 5-6, 1 (2016),  523-536.


·       26) “Moduli spaces of rank two aCM bundles on the Segre product of three projective lines.(with  G. Casnati, D. Faenzi) , J. Pure Appl Algebra 220 Issue l (2016),  1554–1575.


·       25) “On higher rank globally generated vector bundles over a smooth quadric threefold” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh) ,  Proc. Edimburg Math. Soc. 59 (2016), 311-337.


·       24) “A Torelli-Type Problem for Logarithmic Bundles over Projective Varieties” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh), Quarterly J. of Mathematucs (2015), 417-436.


·       23) “Horrocks Correspondence on ACM Varieties” (with A. P. Rao, St. Louis) , Algebra and number theory, vol. 9 n. 4 (2015), 981-1003.


·       22) “Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo threefold with Picard number 3 (with  G. Casnati, D. Faenzi) ,  J. Algebra. vol. 429 (2015), 413-446.


·       21) “Globally generated vector bundles on a smooth quadric surface” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh),  Science China Mathemathics Springer Vol. 58 (2015), 1674-7283.


·       20) “Gevrey local solvability in locally integrable structures” (with F. Nicola),    Ann. Mat. Pura  Appl. Vol. 193, Issue 5 (2014), 1491-1502


·       19) “Globally generated vector bundles of rank 2 on a smooth quadric threefold (with E. Ballico,  S. Huh) ,  J. Pure Appl Algebra 218, Issue 2 (2014), 197-207..


·       18) “Horrocks Correspondence on a Quadric Surface” (with A. P. Rao),  Geom. Dedicata vol. 169 n. 1 (2014), 15-31.


·        17) “Reflexive and spanned sheaves on P^3” (with E. Ballico, S. Huh) ,  Results in Math. vol. 65 (2014),  27-47.


·       16) “A smooth surface of tame representation type” (with D. Faenzi), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351 (2013) 371–374.


·       15) “On rank two arithmetically Buchsbaum vector bundles on a smooth quadric” (con E. Ballico, P. Valabrega, e M. Valenzano), ),  Cent. Eur. J. Math 10(4) (2012), 1361-1379.


·       14) “Weakly uniform rank two vector bundles on multiprojective spaces” (con E. Ballico), Bull. Austr. Math. Soc. 84 (2011), 255-260.


·       13) “Regularity and Cohomological Splitting Conditions for Vector Bundles on Multiprojectives Spaces” (con E. Ballico), J. Algebra 345 (2011),  137-149.


·       12)  “Cohomological Characterization of Vector Bundles on Grassmannians of Lines” (con E. Arrondo), J. Algebra 323 (2010), 1098-1106.


·       11) “Qregularity and an Extension of Evans-Griffiths Criterion to Vector Bundles on Quadrics” (con E. Ballico,),  J. Pure Appl Algebra 213 (2009), 194-202.


·       10) “Vector Bundles on Products of Projective Spaces and Hyperquadrics “ (con E. Ballico),  Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, Vol 41 (2009), 13-26 (electronic).


·       9) “Qregularity and Tensor Product of Vector Bundles on Smooth Quadric Hypersurfaces” (con E. Ballico),  Analele Sciintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius  17(2), (2009), 39-44.


·      8) “Low Rank Vector Bundles on the Grassmannian G(1,4)”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Met. Phys. Vol. 6, No 7 (2009), 1103-1114.

·       7) “Monads and Vector Bundles on Quadrics”, Adv. Geom. Vol. 9, issue 1, (2009), 137-152.


·       6) “Monads and Rank Three Vector Bundles on Quadrics”,  Ann. Mat. Pura  Appl 188, (2009), 455-465.


·       5) “The Equations of Singular Loci of Ample Divisors on (Subvarieties of) Abelian Varieties” (con L. Lombardi, ), Le Matemetiche 63 n 1, (2008),  155-166.


·       4) “A Few Splitting Criteria for Vector Bundles”,  Ric.  Mat. (2008) 57: 55-64.


·       3) “A splitting criterion for vector bundles on blowing ups of the plane” (con E. Ballico), International Matematical Forum 3 (2008), no 23, 1099-1105.


·       2) “Vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces whose twists by a non-ample line bundle have natural cohomology”, (con E. Ballico),  Cent. Eur. J. Math. 6 (1). (2008), 143-148.


·       1) “n-blocks collections on Fano manifolds and sheaves with regularity -∞” (con E. Ballico), Le Matematiche 62 (2007), n 1, 121-127.