Alfredo Braunstein

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Problem Set 1

Download: Problems 1.

Problem Set 2

Download: Problems 2.

Finite Automata

A simple, fragile parser for regular expressions. This produces a non-optimized, non-deterministic automata (NDFSM), in .dot format!

import sys

# a simple (but fragile) parser for regexp expressions
# to use this program: python regexp <expression> | dot -Tpdf > plot.pdf
# remember to put ( ) around kleene star expressions: (a*)b, and not a*b

free = 0;
idx = 0

def var():
    global free;
    free += 1;
    return "g" + str(free);

def regexp(s):
    global idx
    print 'subgraph cluster_'+str(idx)+' {'
    print 'label="'+s+'";'
    print 'color=black;'
    #trivial cases:
    if len(s) == 0:
        v = var()
        r = (v, v, '')
        print '}'
        return r
    if len(s) == 1 and s[0] >= 'a' and s[0] <= 'z':
        r =  singleton(s)
        print '}'
        return r

    #scan for |, * and concatenation at parenthesis level 0
    l = 0
    for i in range(len(s)):
        c = s[i]
        if l == 0:
            if c == "|":
                r = union(regexp(s[0:i]), regexp(s[i+1:len(s)]))
                print '}'
                return r
            if c == "*":
                r =  kleene(regexp(s[0:i]))
                print '}'
                return r
            if i > 0 and ((c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or c == '('):
                r = concat(regexp(s[0:i]), regexp(s[i:len(s)]))
                print '}'
                return r
        if c == '(':
            l += 1
        elif c == ')':
            l -= 1

    print '}'
    #just remove extra parenthesis
    if s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')':
        return regexp(s[1:-1])
    return None

def singleton(a):
    v1, v2 = var(), var()
    print v1, "->", v2, '[label="' + a + '"];'
    return (v1, v2, a)

def concat(s, t):
    print s[1], "->", t[0], '[label="e"];'
    return (s[0], t[1], "concat("+s[2]+","+t[2]+")")

def union(s, t):
    S = var();
    f = var();
    print S, "->", s[0], '[label="e"];'
    print S, "->", t[0], '[label="e"];'
    print s[1], "->", f, '[label="e"];'
    print t[1], "->", f, '[label="e"];'
    return (S,f,"union("+s[2]+","+t[2]+")")

def kleene(s):
    v = var();
    print s[1], "->", v, '[label="e"];'
    print v, "->", s[0], '[label="e"];'
    return (v, v, "kleene("+s[2]+")")

print "digraph {"
(s,t,e) = regexp(sys.argv[1].strip())
print t,"[shape=doublecircle];"
print s, "[style=filled];"
print >> sys.stderr, e
print "}"

Using it like this:

python 'bbb((((a*)b)|c)*)' | dot -Tpng > machine.png

writes to standard error the following:


and produces the following image:

A non-deterministic finite states machine


Online Book by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani: Download