schedule | titles and abstracs | registration | participants

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Mathematics Building Partnership with Africa

Sala Emma Strada, Politecnico di Torino, June 12, 2023, h. 9:00

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Organizers | Greetings | Invited Speakers | Advisory Board

The pictures

In the last few years Politecnico di Torino has been deeply involved to scientific partnerships with African science and academy. This has been especially achieved through mathematics via Erasmus projects and by the special program Mentoring African Research in Mathematics (MARM), promoted by the London Mathematical Society.
The meeting will report on the outputs of the several already implemented PoliTo's experiences to get hints and to design future actions to further collaborations. One of the goals is also to actively involve larger audiences of non-mathematicians to participate and to support new initiatives.
The special role of mathematics as a booster for the #intercultural/scientific/technological enhancement of young nations will be discussed in detail within a perspective of future actions.

This event is being organized on the occasion of the visit of Professor Sophie Dabo, University of Lille, former Chair of the Commission for Developing Countries of the European Mathematical Society, to the Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche J. L. Lagrange of Politecnico di Torino.


Enrico Bibbona, Letterio Gatto, Paola Miraglio

Greetings from

David Chiaramonti, Vice Rector for the International Affairs, PoliTo

Francesca Verga, Poli.To University Task Force for Africa, PoliTo

Fabrizio Lobasso, Minister Plenipotentiary, General Directorate for Public and Cultural Diplomacy (DGDP)

Albertus Aochamub, Namibian Ambassador to France, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Petter Johannesen, Honorary Consul of Namibia

Invited Speakers

Meryl Barry, Pupkewitz Foundation

Sophie Dabo, Université de Lille, EMS-CDC and CIMPA

Francesco Malaspina, Politecnico di Torino

Giovanni Marelli, University of Namibia, partner of the LMS-MARM program for Namibia

Diletta Martinelli, Universiteit van Amsterdam

Martin Mugochi, University of Namibia, partner of the LMS-MARM program for Namibia

Frank Neumann, Università di Pavia, member of the LMS Council, Chair of LMS-IMU-MARM program

Samuel NuuguluUniversity of Namibia,, Chair off the Department of Mathematics

Balázs Szendrői, Universitat Wien, Vice-Chair of EMS-CDC, Member of the LMS-IMU-MARM board

Angela Tabiri, AIMS Ghana, founder of Femafricmath

Advisory Board

Valeria Chiadò-Piat, Deputy Chair of Di.S.Ma

Sophie Dabo, Université de Lille, former Chair of the EMS-CDC

Francesca De Filippi, Rector's Delegate for Cooperation

Marina Marchisio, Università di Torino

Frank Neumann, Chair of the LMS-MARM project

Angela Tabiri, AIMS Ghana, founder of Femafricmath

Francesca Verga, Poli.To University Task Force for Africa