About Me

I am an Associate Professor @ Politecnico di Torino
I received the BSc and MSc degrees in management engineering and the PhD degree in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino, in 2005, 2008 and 2013, respectively. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. I am a member of the GRAphics and INtelligent Systems (GRAINS) research group.
I will give a talk entitled "Technology of Smart Contracts" at the Conference "Impact of Technology on International Contract Law: Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies" - Lyon.
I will give a talk entitled "Blockchain: opportunities, challenges and use cases" at "3° ICELAB Workshop: Blockchain and IoT Opportunities for the SMEs" - Turin.
I will give a talk entitled "Blockchain and smart contacts in insurance: advantages, disadvantages and use cases" at the VI International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics - Rome.
I will give a talk entitled "Technology of Smart Contracts" at the Conference "Impact of Technology on International Contract Law: Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies" - Lyon.
I will give a talk entitled "Blockchain: opportunities, challenges and use cases" at "3° ICELAB Workshop: Blockchain and IoT Opportunities for the SMEs" - Turin.
I will give a talk entitled "Blockchain and smart contacts in insurance: advantages, disadvantages and use cases" at the VI International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics - Rome.
I will give a talk entitled "Technology of Smart Contracts" at the Conference "Impact of Technology on International Contract Law: Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies" - Lyon.

Natural Language Processing

Human-Computer Interaction

Intelligent Systems

- Silvio, Meneguzzo;Alfredo, Favenza;Valentina, Gatteschi;Claudio, Schifanella Integrating a DLT-Based Data Marketplace with IDSA for a Unified Energy Dataspace: Towards Silo-Free Energy Data Exchange within GAIA-X. In: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2023)
- Silvio, Meneguzzo; Alfredo, Favenza; Valentina, Gatteschi; Claudio, Schifanella Exploring the Potential of Energy Data Marketplaces: an Approach based on the Ocean Protocol. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Rising ICT Solutions for Smart Grids as Multi-energy Systems (at COMPSAC 2023)
- Emanuele Antonio, Napoli; Valentina, Gatteschi Evaluating ChatGPT for Smart Contracts Vulnerability Correction. In: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications (at COMPSAC 2023)
- Donkyu, Baek; Yukai, Chen; Alberto, Bocca; Lorenzo, Bottaccioli; Santa, Di Cataldo; Valentina, Gatteschi; Daniele, Jahier Pagliari; Edoardo, Patti; Gianvito, Urgese; Naehyuck, Chang; Alberto, Macii; Enrico, Macii; Paolo, Montuschi; Massimo, Poncino Battery-Aware Operation Range Estimation for Terrestrial and Aerial Electric Vehicles. In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, ISSN 0018-9545, 68:6(2019), pp. 5471-5482
- Fabrizio, Lamberti; Valentina, Gatteschi; Claudio, Demartini; Matteo, Pelissier; Alfonso, Gómez; Victor, Santamaria Blockchains Can Work for Car Insurance: Using Smart Contracts and Sensors to Provide On-Demand Coverage. In: IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, 7, 4, pp. 72 - 81, 2018. - ISSN 2162-2248
- Fabrizio, Lamberti; Gianluca, Paravati; Valentina, Gatteschi; Alberto, Cannavò; Paolo, Montuschi Virtual character animation based on affordable motion capture and reconfigurable tangible interfaces. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, 24, 5, pp. 1742 - 1755, 2018. - ISSN 1077-2626
- Fabrizio, Lamberti; Gianluca, Paravati; Valentina, Gatteschi; Alberto, Cannavo' (2017) Supporting Web analytics by aggregating user interaction data from heterogeneous devices using viewport-DOM based heat maps. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, vol. 13 n. 4, pp. 1989-1999. - ISSN 1551-3203
- Federica, Bazzano; Federico, Gentilini; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Andrea, Sanna; Gianluca, Paravati; Valentina, Gatteschi; Marco, Gaspardone (2016) Immersive virtual reality-based simulation to support the design of natural human-robot Interfaces for service robotic applications. In: 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics (AVR 2016), Otranto, Lecce, Italy, June 15-18, 2016. pp. 1-33
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Gianluca, Paravati; Alessandro, Raso; Claudio, Demartini (2016) Which learning outcomes should I acquire? A bar chart-based semantic system for visually comparing learners' acquirements with labor market requirements. In: 40th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC2016), Symposium on Computer Education and Learning Technologies (CELT), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 10-14, 2016. pp. 774-779
- Gianluca, Paravati; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Valentina, Gatteschi (2015) Joint traditional and company-based organization of information systems and product development courses. In: 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC2015), Symposium on Computer Education and Learning Technologies (CELT), Taichung, Taiwan, July 1-5, 2015. pp. 858-867
- Valentina Gatteschi; Alberto, Lisanti; Giorgio, Venezia; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Gianluca, Paravati; Andrea, Sanna; Claudio, Demartini (2015) New frontiers of delivery services using drones: a prototype system exploiting a quadcopter for autonomous drug shipments. In: 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC2015), Symposium on Computer Education and Learning Technologies (CELT), Taichung, Taiwan, July 1-5, 2015. pp. 920-927
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Andrea, Sanna; Claudio, Demartini (2015) An audio and image-based on-demand content annotation framework for augmenting the video viewing experience on mobile devices. In: IEEE 4th International Conference on Mobile Services, New York, USA, June 27-July 2, 2015. pp. 468-472
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Claudio, Demartini; Rob, Van Wezel; Simonetta, Bettiol (2012) Exploiting semantics for constructing and comparing occupational and educational-driven qualifications: the TIPTOE project. In: JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 18:1, pp. 5-24. - ISSN 0948-695X
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Andrea, Sanna; Claudio, Demartini (2011) Using tag clouds to support the comparison of qualifications, résumés and job profiles. In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA2011), Stara Lesna (Slovakia), 27-28 October, 2011. pp. 57-61
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Andrea, Sanna; Claudio, Demartini (2010) A semantic-based approach for aligning occupational and educational qualifications in the EQF perspective. In: IADIS International Conferences Informatics 2010, Wireless Applications and Computing 2010 and Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2010, Freiburg (Germany), 26-28 July 2010. pp. 3-10
- Valentina, Gatteschi; Fabrizio, Lamberti; Fabio, Salassa; Claudio, Demartini (2009) An Automatic Tool Supporting Life-long Learning Based on a Semantic-Oriented Approach for Comparing Qualifications. In: IADIS International Conference on Cognition andExploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2009), Rome, 20-22 November 2009. pp. 354-358
- Information visualization and visual analytics, (code 01UJZIU), PhD course, teaching assistant
- Tecnologie e metodi per la trasformazione digitale, (code 01VJPPG), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Basi di dati e sistemi informativi aziendali, (code 02EYONL), Industrial Production Engineering, main teacher
- Informatica, (code 14BHDLZ), Engineering, main teacher
- Information visualization and visual analytics, (code 01UJZIU), PhD course, teaching assistant
- Gestione dell'innovazione e sviluppo prodotto ICT, (code 01NATPG), Management Engineering, main teacher
- Basi di dati e sistemi informativi aziendali, (code 02EYONL), Industrial Production Engineering, main teacher
- Informatica, (code 14BHDLZ), Engineering, main teacher
- Basi di dati e sistemi informativi aziendali, (code 02EYONL), Industrial Production Engineering, main teacher
- Informatica, (code 14BHDLZ), Engineering, main teacher
- Piattaforme mobili e servizi cloud, (code 01RLCPG), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Information visualization and visual analytics, (code 01UJZIU), PhD course, main teacher
- Piattaforme mobili e servizi cloud, (code 01RLCPG), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Basi di dati, (code 14AFQOA), Computer Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Programmazione a oggetti, (code 09CBIPL), Management Engineering teaching assistant
- Information systems, (code 02PDWPH), Management Engineering, teaching assistant
- Basi di dati, (code 02AFQDI), Logistic and Production Engineering, teaching assistant
- Basi di dati, (code 02AFQDI), Logistic and Production Engineering, teaching assistant