S. Malan, C. Greco, R. Tisseur, F. Bari, "Parameters estimation of hydraulic circuit head losses for virtual sensor design", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol., pp., 2016.
E. Canuto, A. Molano Jimenez, C. Perez, S. Malan, P. Martella, "Planetary landing: modelling and control of the propulsion descent", Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue Xuebao, vol. 43, n. 1, pp. 1-14, 2013.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, P. Borodani, A. Gallione,
"Lateral control of autonomous electric cars for relocation of public urban mobility fleet", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.15, No.3, pp.590-598, 2007.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, D. Regruto, M. Taragna, "Robust control from data via uncertainty model sets identification", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.14, pp.945-957, 2004.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Analysis and Classification of Human Driving Behaviour in an Urban Environment" Cognition Technology & Work, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 197-206, 2002.
M. Canale, G. Fiorio, S. Malan and M. Taragna, "Robust tuning of low order controllers via uncertainty model identification", European Journal of Control, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 316-328, 1999.
M. Canale, G. Fiorio, S. Malan and M. Taragna, "Discussion on: Robust tuning of low order controllers via uncertainty model identification", European Journal of Control, Vol.5, No.2, pp.329-332, 1999.
M. Canale, S. Malan, M. Milanese, "Model quality evaluation in identification for Hinfinity control", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.43 No.1, 1998.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust analysis and design of control systems using interval arithmetics", Automatica Vol.33 No.7, 1997.
M. Milanese, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Robust performances control design for a high accuracy calibration device", In Bounding Approaches to System Identification, Milanese, Norton, Piet-Lahanier and Walther Editors, Plenum Press, 1996.
M. Milanese, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Robust performances control design for a high accuracy calibration device", Automatica, Vol.29, No.1, 1993.
M. Milanese, M. Taragna, A. Trisoglio, S. Malan, "Linear vs. nonlinear approaches to robustness analysis of LTI control systems", in Robustness of Dynamic Systems with Parameter Uncertainties, Mansour, Balemi and Truöl Editors, Birkhäuser, 1992.
M. Milanese, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, A. Vicino, "Robust performance design of nonlinearly perturbed control systems", in Control of Uncertain Dynamic Systems, Bhattacharyya and Keel Editors, CRC Press, 1991.
Conference papers
F. Bari, D. Mereu, C. Damarco, C. Greco, S. Malan, G. Marchetto, S. Roa Tirado, R. Tisseur, M. Violante, G. Zangari, S. Caruso, M. Masoero, F. Saba, "The EcoThermo project: key and innovative aspects", 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015, Torino, Italy, 2015.
E. Canuto, A. Molano Jimenez, W. Acuna Bravo, S. Malan, "Propulsive guidance for accurate planetary landing", 63rd IAC International Astronautical Congress, Napoli, Italy, 2012.
E. Canuto, W. Acuna Bravo, A. Molano Jimenez, C. Perez, S. Malan, "Planetary landing: modelling and control of the propulsive descent", 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC2012), Hefei, China, 2012.
W. Acuna-Bravo, E. Canuto, S. Malan, "Embedded Model Control applied to mobile hydraulic systems", 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), Marrakech, Morocco, 2010.
W. Acuna-Bravo, E. Canuto, S. Malan, D. Colombo, M. Forestello, R. Morselli, "Fine and simplified dynamic modelling of complex hydraulic systems", 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, USA, 2009.
W. Acuna-Bravo, E. Canuto, S. Malan, "Power saving in mobile hydraulic systems via Embedded Model Control", 14TH IEEE Int. Conf. On Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation, ETFA 2009, Mallorca, Spain, 2009.
W. Acuna-Bravo, E. Canuto, S. Malan, J. Ospina, D. Colombo, M. Forestello, R. Morselli, "Dynamic modelling of complex hydraulic systems", XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automatico, Merida, Venezuela, 2008.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, P. Borodani, A. Gallione, "Lateral control of autonomous electric cars for relocation of public urban mobility fleet", Proc. of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain, 2005.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, P. Borodani, A. Gallione, "Lateral control of autonomous vehicle
for public urban mobility systems", Proc. of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 372-377, Vienna, Austria, 2005.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Saturation avoidance control of a magnetic levitation system with enhanced performances", Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Control Systems Design, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2003.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Robust Design of PID based ACC S&G systems", Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Control Systems Design, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2003.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, D. Regruto, M. Taragna, "Guaranteed performances design via model sets identification", Proc. of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, Italy, 2003.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Robust multi-model ACC control design", Proc. of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano, Italy, 2003.
S. Malan, M. Milanese and M. Taragna, "MATLAB tools for SM Hinfinity identification and guaranteed control performance computation", Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4203-4208, Las Vegas, USA, 2002.
M. Canale, S. Malan, V. Murdocco, "Personalization of ACC Stop and Go task based on human driver behaviour analysis", 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Classification of Human Driving Behaviour for Urban ACC "Stop and Go" Task", 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Tuning of stop and go driving control strategies using driver behaviour analysis", IV'2002, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Versailles, France, 2002.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, D. Regruto and M. Taragna, "Robust control from data via uncertainty model sets identification", Proc. of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2686-2691, Orlando, USA, 2001.
M. Canale, S. Malan, S. Campo, V. Murdocco, "Human driving behaviour evaluation in a urban stop&go scenery", 8th IFAC / IFIP / IFORS / IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, pp. 373-378, Kassel, Germany, 2001.
P. Borodani, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, E. Pisoni, "An original approach for the cylinder by cylinder A/F ratio control with a linear oxygen sensor", 5th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Ann Arbor, USA, 2000.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Identification of uncertainty models for robust control design", 6thIEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Alghero, Italy, 1998.
L. Giarré, S. Malan, M. Milanese, "a-optimality evaluation in Hinfinity identification of low-order uncertainty models", Proc. of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, USA, 1997.
M. Canale, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust tuning of PID controllers via uncertainty model identification", Proc. of the European Control Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 1997.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust tuning of low order controllers via uncertainty model identification", Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Budapest, Hungary, 1997.
M. Canale, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Model structure selection in identification for control", Proc. of the 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1996.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust analysis and design of control systems using interval arithmetics", Proc. of the 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1996.
S. Carabelli, S. Malan, "Low order Hinfinity controller design for a magnetic ball levitator", Proc. of the 2nd World Automation Congress, Montpellier, France, 1996.
M. Canale, S. Malan, M. Milanese, "Model quality evaluation in identification for control", Proc. of the 1995 American Control Conference, Seattle, USA, 1995.
S. Malan, M. Taragna, P. Borodani, L. Gortan, "Robust performance design for a car steering device", Proc. of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, USA, 1994.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust tuning for PID controllers with multiple performance specifications", Proc. of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, USA, 1994.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust performance design of fixed structure controllers for systems with uncertain parameters", Proc. of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, USA, 1993.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, J. Garloff, "B3 algorithm for robust performances analysis in presence of mixed parametric and dynamic perturbations", Proc. of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tucson, USA, 1992.
S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, J. Garloff, "An improved Bernstein algorithm for robust stability and performance analysis", Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Control and Instrumentation, Singapore, 1992.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, M. Milanese, A. Vicino, "Guaranteed specification control design of inertial platforms for a high accuracy calibration device", Proc. of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, USA, 1990.
P. Borodani, G. Fiorio, C. Greco, S. Malan, "Integration of analytical and knowledge-based techniques for self-tuning controllers", Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on Low Cost Automation, Milano, Italy, 1989.
G. Bersano, P. Borodani, G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Planning and control problems in small electric motors manufacturing", Proc. of the IFAC International Workshop on Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing, Genova, Italy, 1989.
J.R. Bordet, P. Conta, C. Greco, S. Malan, P. Scaramuccia, "Gruppo contabilizzatore per impianti termici di riscaldamento / raffrescamento", TO2010A000951, 2013.
A. Aresta, F. Bari, M. Fronterrè, C. Greco, S. Malan, M. Masoero, G. Vandoni, "Heat metering for central thermal energy installation", PCT/IB2009/055912, 2010.
C. Greco, S. Malan, R. Tisseur, "Soft-sensor: una tecnologia consolidata applicata alla metrologia e alle reti fluidiche", Convegno EcoThermo 2014: Metrologia, Domotica ed Efficienza Energetica, INRIM, Torino, Italy, 2014.
V. Cerone, S. Malan, M. Milanese, D. Regruto, "Controllo della dinamica laterale per sistemi ADAS e per la guida di veicoli autonomi", Convegno Nazionale C.I.R.A. 2004, Sessione "Controllo automotive", Villasimius, Italy, 2004.
M. Canale, S. Malan, M. Milanese, "Control technology for intelligent automotive systems", Incontro con delegazione della Sassonia, Germania, su applicazioni automotive di microelettronica e controllo, Torino, Italy, 2003.
M. Canale, S. Malan, "Tecniche robuste di progetto del controllo della dinamica longitudinale di un veicolo con adattamento allo stile di guida", Convegno Nazionale C.I.R.A. 2003, Sessione Speciale su "Problemi di controllo in ambito automotive", Modena, Italy, 2003.
S. Malan, M. Taragna, "Theory and application of Interval Branch and Bound methods for solution of MPI's", IEEE CCA Workshop on Multivariate Polynomial Inequalities, Trieste, Italy, 1998.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Controllo Hinfinito di un sistema di sospensioni attive per autoveicoli", AUTOMATICA'97 - Convegno Annuale C.I.R.A., Catania, Italy, 1997.
L. Giarré, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Identificazione di modelli d'incertezza per il controllo robusto", Workshop nell'ambito di AUTOMATICA'97 - Convegno Annuale C.I.R.A., Catania, Italy, 1997.
L. Giarré, S. Malan, M. Milanese, M. Taragna, "Robust Identification and Control of Flexible Structures", International Workshop on Robust Control, Napa Valley, USA, 1996.
G. Fiorio, M. Milanese, S. Malan, Relazione per la Riunione Finale relativa al Progetto Speciale del CNR Algoritmi ed architetture per l'identificazione e il controllo robusto e adattativo, Siena, Italy, 1993.
S. Malan, "Metodi di analisi di robustezza per sistemi con perturbazioni non lineari", 9o Incontro su Identificazione Controllo e Ottimizzazione dei Sistemi Dinamici, Ancona, Italy, 1992.
S. Malan, "Robustezza delle specifiche nel controllo di sistemi con perturbazioni parametriche e dinamiche", 8o Incontro su Identificazione Controllo e Ottimizzazione dei Sistemi Dinamici, Como, Italy, 1991.
M. Milanese, S. Malan, J. Garloff, "An improved Bernstein algorithm for robust stability and performance analysis", International Workshop on Robustness of Control Systems, Kappel am Albis, Switzerland, 1991.
Teaching material
S. Malan, C. Greco, "Tutorial 7: Real data identification of an actual radiator-room system aimed to virtual sensor design", Metti 5 Advanced spring school, Roscoff, France, 2011.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Introduzione al Controllo Ottimo", Edizioni CLUT, Torino, Italy, 1994.
G. Fiorio, S. Malan, "Esercitazioni di Controlli Automatici", Edizioni CLUT, Torino, Italy, 1990.