D:\Silvano\WWW\RLA\Scanner>rla D:\Silvano\WWW\RLA\Scanner>java -classpath D:/Silvano/Applicazioni/Traduttori/Cup_JFlex/JFlex/jflex-1.4.3/lib/JFlex.jar JFlex.Main *.flex Reading "rla.flex" Constructing NFA : 167 states in NFA Converting NFA to DFA : ................................................. 51 states before minimization, 33 states in minimized DFA Old file "Scanner.java" saved as "Scanner.java~" Writing code to "Scanner.java" ERRORLEVEL=0 D:\Silvano\WWW\RLA\Scanner>javac -classpath .;D:/Silvano/Applicazioni/Traduttori/Cup_JFlex/Cup/java-cup-11a.jar Scanner.java sym.java ERRORLEVEL=0 D:\Silvano\WWW\RLA\Scanner>java -classpath .;D:/Silvano/Applicazioni/Traduttori/Cup_JFlex/Cup/java-cup-11a-runtime.jar Scanner Sample.rla line: 1 col: 1 match: --// input symbols -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 2 col: 1 match: --%{-- action [76] { return symbol(LALPHA); } #2 line: 2 col: 3 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 2 col: 4 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 2 col: 5 match: --,-- action [78] { return symbol(COMMA); } #10 line: 2 col: 6 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 2 col: 7 match: --,-- action [78] { return symbol(COMMA); } #10 line: 2 col: 8 match: --c-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 2 col: 9 match: --,-- action [78] { return symbol(COMMA); } #10 line: 2 col: 10 match: --d-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 2 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 2 col: 12 match: --%}-- action [77] { return symbol(RALPHA); } #3 line: 2 col: 14 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 3 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 4 col: 1 match: --// expression declarations -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 5 col: 1 match: --%[-- action [74] { return symbol(LDEF); } #4 line: 5 col: 3 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 6 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 6 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 6 col: 3 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 6 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 6 col: 6 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 6 col: 7 match: --&-- action [67] { return symbol(EMPTY); } #12 line: 6 col: 8 match: --|-- action [88] { return symbol(UNION); } #17 line: 6 col: 9 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 6 col: 10 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 6 col: 11 match: --|-- action [88] { return symbol(UNION); } #17 line: 6 col: 12 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 6 col: 13 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 6 col: 14 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 6 col: 15 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 6 col: 16 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 6 col: 17 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 6 col: 18 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 6 col: 19 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 6 col: 20 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 6 col: 21 match: --*-- action [89] { return symbol(STAR); } #18 line: 6 col: 22 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 6 col: 23 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 3 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 7 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 7 col: 6 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 7 col: 7 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 8 match: --|-- action [88] { return symbol(UNION); } #17 line: 7 col: 9 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 7 col: 10 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 11 match: --|-- action [88] { return symbol(UNION); } #17 line: 7 col: 12 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 13 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 14 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 15 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 7 col: 16 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 7 col: 17 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 18 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 19 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 20 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 7 col: 21 match: --*-- action [89] { return symbol(STAR); } #18 line: 7 col: 22 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 7 col: 23 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 7 col: 24 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 7 col: 25 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 8 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 8 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 8 col: 3 match: --$3-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 8 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 8 col: 6 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 8 col: 7 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 8 col: 8 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 8 col: 10 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 8 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 9 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 9 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 9 col: 3 match: --$4-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 9 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 9 col: 6 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 9 col: 7 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 9 col: 9 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 9 col: 10 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 9 col: 11 match: ----- action [86] { return symbol(MINUS); } #16 line: 9 col: 12 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 9 col: 13 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 9 col: 14 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 9 col: 16 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 9 col: 17 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 10 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 10 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 10 col: 3 match: --$5-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 10 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 10 col: 6 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 10 col: 7 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 10 col: 9 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 10 col: 10 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 10 col: 11 match: --+-- action [85] { return symbol(PLUS); } #15 line: 10 col: 12 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 10 col: 13 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 10 col: 14 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 10 col: 16 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 10 col: 17 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 11 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 11 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 11 col: 3 match: --$6-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 11 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 11 col: 6 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 11 col: 7 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 11 col: 9 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 11 col: 10 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 11 col: 11 match: --#-- action [84] { return symbol(PROD); } #14 line: 11 col: 12 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 11 col: 13 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 11 col: 14 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 11 col: 16 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 11 col: 17 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 12 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 12 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 12 col: 3 match: --$7-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 12 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 12 col: 6 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 12 col: 7 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 12 col: 8 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 12 col: 9 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 12 col: 10 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 12 col: 11 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 12 col: 13 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 12 col: 14 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 12 col: 15 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 12 col: 16 match: --#-- action [84] { return symbol(PROD); } #14 line: 12 col: 17 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 12 col: 18 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 12 col: 19 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 12 col: 20 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 12 col: 21 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 12 col: 23 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 12 col: 24 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 12 col: 25 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 12 col: 26 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 13 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 13 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 13 col: 3 match: --$8-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 13 col: 5 match: --=-- action [81] { return symbol(EQ); } #19 line: 13 col: 6 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 13 col: 7 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 13 col: 8 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 13 col: 9 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 13 col: 10 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 13 col: 11 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 13 col: 13 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 13 col: 14 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 13 col: 15 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 13 col: 16 match: --+-- action [85] { return symbol(PLUS); } #15 line: 13 col: 17 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 13 col: 18 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 13 col: 19 match: --!-- action [87] { return symbol(NOT); } #13 line: 13 col: 20 match: --[-- action [72] { return symbol(LBRACK); } #8 line: 13 col: 21 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 13 col: 23 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 13 col: 24 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 13 col: 25 match: --]-- action [73] { return symbol(RBRACK); } #9 line: 13 col: 26 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 14 col: 1 match: --%]-- action [75] { return symbol(RDEF); } #5 line: 14 col: 3 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 15 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 16 col: 1 match: --// evaluations -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 17 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 18 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 18 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 18 col: 3 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 18 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 18 col: 6 match: --=?-- action [82] { return symbol(EQUESTION); } #20 line: 18 col: 8 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 18 col: 9 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 18 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 19 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 19 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 19 col: 3 match: --$2-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 19 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 19 col: 6 match: --in?-- action [83] { return symbol(INQUESTION); } #21 line: 19 col: 9 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 19 col: 10 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 19 col: 12 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 20 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 20 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 20 col: 3 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 20 col: 4 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 20 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 20 col: 6 match: --in?-- action [83] { return symbol(INQUESTION); } #21 line: 20 col: 9 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 20 col: 10 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 20 col: 12 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 3 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 21 col: 4 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 21 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 6 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 21 col: 7 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 8 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 21 col: 9 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 10 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 21 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 12 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 21 col: 13 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 21 col: 14 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 15 match: --in?-- action [83] { return symbol(INQUESTION); } #21 line: 21 col: 18 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 21 col: 19 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 21 col: 21 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 3 match: --(-- action [70] { return symbol(LPAREN); } #6 line: 22 col: 4 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 6 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 7 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 8 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 9 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 10 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 12 match: --a-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 13 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 14 match: --b-- action [101] { return symbol(INPUTSYMBOL, yytext()); } #24 line: 22 col: 15 match: --)-- action [71] { return symbol(RPAREN); } #7 line: 22 col: 16 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 17 match: --in?-- action [83] { return symbol(INQUESTION); } #21 line: 22 col: 20 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 22 col: 21 match: --$1-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 22 col: 23 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 23 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 23 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 23 col: 3 match: --$5-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 23 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 23 col: 6 match: --=?-- action [82] { return symbol(EQUESTION); } #20 line: 23 col: 8 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 23 col: 9 match: --$7-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 23 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 24 col: 1 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 24 col: 2 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 24 col: 3 match: --$6-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 24 col: 5 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 24 col: 6 match: --=?-- action [82] { return symbol(EQUESTION); } #20 line: 24 col: 8 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 24 col: 9 match: --$8-- action [98] { return symbol(IDENTIFIER, yytext()); } #23 line: 24 col: 11 match: -- -- action [95] { /* ignore */ } line: 25 col: 1 match: <> action [108] { return symbol(EOF); } #0