Matteo SONZA REORDA's Teaching Activities
Matteo SONZA REORDA has a long experience in teaching activities,
due to his continuous involvement in courses held for the
Politecnico di Torino, as well as for other institutions and
Matteo SONZA REORDA is the teacher of the following courses held
at the Politecnico di Torino:
- Testing and Fault Tolerance
in the curriculum towards the MS in Computer Engineering
and MS in Electronics
- Calcolatori Elettronici (Computer Architectures) in the
curriculum towards the BS in Computer Engineering.
Matteo SONZA REORDA has been charged of the following courses
held at the Politecnico di Torino:
- Architetture dei Sistemi di Elaborazione (Computer Architectures) in
the curriculum towards the MS in Computer Engineering
- Affidabilità dei Sistemi Digitali (Reliable computer systems) in the curriculum
towards the MS in Computer Engineering
- Calcolatori Elettronici (Computer Architectures and
Microprocessor Systems) in the curriculum towards the BS
in Computer Engineering
- Algoritmi e Programmazione Avanzata (Algorithms and
Advanced Programming Techniques) in the curriculum towards
the BS in Computer Engineering
- Sistemi a Microprocessore (Microprocessor Architectures and
Programming) in the distance learning curriculum towards
the BS in Computer Engineering
- Tecniche per il progetto di sistemi elettronici affidabili (Design
of dependable electronic circuits) in the curriculum
towards the PhD in Computer Engineering.
Matteo SONZA REORDA is the author of the following books, aiming at
supporting the teaching activities in the area of Computer Science
- P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda: "La CPU Intel 8086/8088 :
Architettura e Programmazione Assembler," Ed. CUSL P.G.
Frassati, Torino (Italy), 1989
- P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda: "Esercizi di programmazione
in Assembler 8086/8088," Ed. Levrotto & Bella, Torino
(Italy), 1990
- P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda: "Algoritmi e strutture dati
(lucidi)," Ed. Levrotto & Bella, Torino (Italy), 1992
- P. Prinetto, M. Sonza Reorda: "Esercizi di programmazione
in linguaggio C," Ed. Levrotto & Bella, Torino
(Italy), 1st edition: 1992; 2nd edition: 1994
- P. Camurati, S. Quer, M. Sonza Reorda: "Esercizi
Fondamentali in Pascal," Ed. Levrotto & Bella, Torino
(Italy), 1993
- P. Prinetto, M. Rebaudengo , M. Sonza Reorda: "Il
Linguaggio Assembler 8086/8088,"' Ed. Levrotto &
Bella, Torino (Italy), 1995
- G. Cabodi, S. Quer, M. Sonza Reorda: "Introduzione alla
Programmazione in Linguaggio C," Ed. Hoepli, Milano
(Italy), 1995
- P. Montuschi, M. Sonza Reorda, M. Violante: "Architettura dei calcolatori
elettronici: raccolta di test di autovalutazione",
C.L.U.T. Editrice, Torino (Italy), 1st edition: 2004; 2nd
- M. Grosso, P. Prinetto, M. Rebaudengo, M. Sonza Reorda: "Il linguaggio di programmazione
Assembler x86", Ed. Narcissus, 2012 (eBook).
Apart from Politecnico, Matteo SONZA REORDA taught courses for other
institutions and companies (e.g., Italtel, Olivetti, Magneti
Marelli, CSP, STMicroelectronics) in the following areas:
- Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Test of Digital Systems.
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