After reading the novel "Crypto-
nomicon" in 1999 I became inte- rested in the idea
of keeping track of the appearances of mathema-
ticians and mathematics in works of fiction. The
body of "mathe- matical fiction" I have collected
since then is much larger and more diverse than I
would have thought possible. I now know of
more than one thousand novels, plays, short stories,
films, and comic books that feature math or
mathematicians in some significant way. Some
of them are useful for helping readers better
understand or appreciate mathematics. Others reveal
nega- tive stereotypes of mathemati-
cians or a
fundamental misunder-standing
about math. |
or a
fundamental misunderstan-
ding about math. For the con- noisseur of
math fiction, special treats include "fictional
math" (cases in which the math descri- bed in the
fiction is itself a creation of the author) and best
of all are those works of fiction in which the
author weaves math and human emotion together in the
same way that an artist can create a beautiful
sculpture out of mixed media.