Pagina Casa

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Dipartimento di Matematica

Politecnico di Torino


Scientific Committee

Luca Chiantini (Siena)

Margerita Roggero (Torino)

Paolo Salmon (Bologna)


Local Organizing Committee

Giannina Beccari

Riccardo Camerlo

Caterina Cumino

A. J. Di Scala

Letterio Gatto

Carla Massaza

Jacobo Pejsachowicz

Simon Salamon

Taíse Santiago

Mario Valenzano









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Please, note that the Conference will not be held at Villa Gualino as erroneously written

in the e-mail of the 1st announcement. This page will be constantly updated.

Please, check it, from time to time.



The conference will be held at Politecnico di Torino, in a quite central part of Torino. Invited speakers, as well as all the participants funded by the organization, will be lodged at Hotel Italia, near Politecnico (<15 minutes walk) situated in Corso Stati Uniti 9/bis, tel. 39 011 5620402. of. All the others participants can be lodged at Hotel Italia enjoying the same agreement with the Organizing Commitee of Syzygy2005, up to find available rooms. People interested are encouraged to fill in the application form as soon as possible. Click here for the costs.

Younger participants may also have the possibility to find a place at Residenza Universitaria. However, up to now, we are not able to guarantee that there will be place there. People interested to look at a place different from Hotel Italia may check the following list of hotels and provide the reservation themselves.


Participants will be requested to pay a registration fee of 60 euros.

 Application forms should be sent to Dr. Raffaella di Nardo

How to Reach the Hotel from Torino-Caselle