


"Giorgio Kaniadakis has pioneered the surpassing of Boltzmann's Stosszahlansatz within the special relativity and proposes a new entropy, emerging as the relativistic generalization of the Boltzmann entropy. Kaniadakis entropy generates power law tailed distributions, which in the classical limit reduce to the Maxwell-Boltzmann exponential distribution"

(From the Editorial by T. Biro of the volume Eur. Phys. J. A 40, N. 3, pp 255-256, 2009)

The new entropy known also as kappa entropy is considered one of the most viable candidates for explaining the experimentally observed power law tailed statistical distibutions, in various physical, natural, and artificial, complex systems. Several papers written by various Authors are devoted to the foundations and applications of the statistical theory based on the kappa-entropy, introduced in the papers: G. Kaniadakis, Physica A 296, 405 (2001) and G. Kaniadakis, Phys. Rev E 66, 056125 (2002). Beside the experimental verifications and specific applications of the theory, a computational verification has been performed in the field of plasma physics. The results, obtained by the team of an international collaboration (Los Alamos National Laboratory USA, University of Illinois at Urbana USA, Imperial College London UK, and Politecnico di Torino Italy), have been published in the prestiggious The Astrophysical Journal 666, 949-954, 2007. A list of selected papers devoted to this theory can been found in the section K-Statistical Mechanics of the present web site.




I. FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS: In the paper, G.Kaniadakis, Physica A 307, 172-184, 2002, a statistical model of quantum mechanics baseb on a subquantum classical kinetics has been proposed.

II. NON-LINEAR QUANTUM MECHANICS: In the paper, G. Kaniadakis , Phys. Rev. A 55, 941-944, 1997, a non-linear Schroedinger equation, describing particles obeying a exclusion-inclusion principle has been proposed.

III. NON-LINEAR KINETICS AND GENERALIZED STATISTICS: In the paper G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati, Phys. Rev. E 49, 5103-5110, 1994, a non-linear Fokker-Planck equation classically modeling bosons and fermions, has been proposed.

IV. AMORPHOUS MATTER: In the paper, G. Kaniadakis et al., Appl. Opt. 26, 1737-1740, 1987, an approach for the optical analysis of absosorbing amorphous semicondactors thin films has been proposed.